2019-10-26 Some lit3 progress
- Good progress, stupid capa was in the way on ADC clock. Now acquisitions seem more okay:
- here some good experiment
- @done updates on new pHAT
- remove this capa, remove i2c pullups for the thermometers (that was cost 5$ ! :/ )
- connecter le ice40 au i2c rpi
- pouvoir connecter des ios sur l’uart du rpi
- router les gpio daughter existantes plutôt sur les pins pcm du rpi pour un jour essayer de sortir des données en i2s (GPIO26, 20, 21, 18)
- du coup, mettre possiblement les Pulse controls sur des GPIOs non spécifiques comme GPIO05, 06, 13, 19.
- Niveau header RPi, on peut connecter les SPI_EXT MISO / CS du coup.
- Use 5 first bytes of a read to store the bin number / board ID ?
- Need to make progress on this RTL-SDR for ultrasound ;)
- @done find the right jekyll theme to leave gitbook
- see https://help.github.com/en/github/working-with-github-pages/adding-a-theme-to-your-github-pages-site-using-jekyll
- https://pmarsceill.github.io/just-the-docs/ seem to fit the bill =)
Written on October 26, 2019